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Dancing The Gods: Aditi Mangaldas

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Dancing The Gods: Aditi Mangaldas

  • Peter Norton Symphony Space 2537 Broadway New York, NY, 10025 United States (map)

Dancing The Gods: Aditi Mangaldas

Aditi Mangaldas is a leading dancer and choreographer in the classical Indian dance form of Kathak. With extensive training under the leading gurus of Kathak, Shrimati Kumudini Lakhia and Pandit Birju Maharaj, Aditi is today recognised for her artistry, technique, eloquence and characteristic energy that mark every performance. Besides dancing and choreographing classical productions, both solo and group, she has broken new ground by using her knowledge and experience of Kathak as a springboard to evolve a contemporary dance vocabulary, infused with the spirit of the classical. Considered a maverick in India, she has consistently broken ground, unafraid to confront social and present day concerns. Celebrated around the world for the startling richness and intricacy of her dance and choreography, she was recently nominated in the category of outstanding performance (classical) by the National Dance Critics Circle awards 2017 in the UK.

She was awarded the Gujarat Sangeet Natak Academi Award, India 2007 as well as the National Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, India 2013, that due to compelling reasons, she declined. She heads the Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company – The Drishtikon Dance Foundation.