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Amir Khusrau: A Tribute by Farid Ayaz-Abu Muhammed Qawwals

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Amir Khusrau: A Tribute by Farid Ayaz-Abu Muhammed Qawwals

Amir Khusrau: A Tribute by Farid Ayaz-Abu Muhammed Qawwals

Back with Popular Demand: Amir Khusrau: A tribute by Farid Ayaz-Abu Muhammed Qawwals

Saturday, June 26, 2021 -- 8pm CST

Amir Khusrau, a Sufi poet and a musician, is called “father of qawwali”. At the behest of his spiritual mentor Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya, Khusrau initiated “Qawwal Bacchon Ka Gharana” that was headed by Miyan Samat bin Ibrahim. Renowned qawwals Farid Ayaz and Abu Muhammed are direct descendants of Samat bin Ibrahim who render qawwali the way Amir Khusrau meant it to be rendered. Who better to pay tribute to Amir Khusrau than Farid Ayaz-Abu Muhammed Qawwals!!

Earlier Event: June 12
Natraj Sharma - Travel Log