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Stand Up Comedy at Bustan feat. Zarna Garg (Tuesdays)

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Stand Up Comedy at Bustan feat. Zarna Garg (Tuesdays)

  • Bustan 487 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY, 10024 United States (map)

Stand Up Comedy at Bustan feat. Zarna Garg

Phaze 11 Presents Stand Up Comedy at Bustan (Tuesdays). Enjoy delicious food in outdoor seating while comedians entertain you!

Zarna Garg is one of a kind. She’s an Indian immigrant, mom, and lawyer turned award-winning screenwriter and stand-up comedian who proudly represents brown women everywhere.

While everyone was baking banana bread during the global pandemic, Zarna was doing what she does best – COMEDY. She joined TikTok and garnered 30+ million views within her first year on the platform. She kept audiences laughing with online comedy shows (profiled in the New York Times), IGTV appearances, interviews with the cast of Netflix’s summer smash “Indian Matchmaking” (covered by Screen Rant), and even outdoor impromptu sets at major landmarks across New York City including Central Park and the MET, and when security chased her away, she continued her set on the New York City subway.