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Shaam-E-Ghazal With Radhika Chopra

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Shaam-E-Ghazal With Radhika Chopra

  • Angel Orensanz Foundation 172 Norfolk Street New York, NY, 10002 United States (map)

Sivaana presents an experiential evening of ghazals with an amazing backdrop of Angel Orensanz Center in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. It was originally built as a synagogue and now would enchant us with culturally unique music and singing from various times of the last century.

It would be an evening presenting soulful array of sufism, poetry and music including some of the most famous Mirza Ghalib verses.

Dr. Radhika Chopra (Phd in Indian Classical Music) accompanied by distinguished musicians are coming to perform a culturally unique concert tour titled, “Shaam-e-Ghazal”
