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Poetry Sangam

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Poetry Sangam

Poetry Sangam

Join us for a morning of visual-performative poetry where we will celebrate the intersection of words, sound, movement and visual art inspired by Indian poets and poetic movements. In this panel of authors and artists from India and the US, we will witness their individual works and their connected inspirations from Indian culture.

On the panel we have: Dr. Sridhar Vasudevan (Bharatanatyam dancer and Carnatic musician, India), Padma Venkatraman (author and speaker, RI), Lakshmi Shalini (vocalist, NYC) and Geof Huth (visual poet, NYC). The panel will be moderated by Jayanthi Moorthy (visual artist-curator and founder of Akṣarā, NYC).

In this panel we will explore how works of contemporary poets and artists (musicians, dancers and artists) connect through a common inspiration from Indian culture—Tamil poets of South India (Tamil Nadu) and the Prakalpana Movement of East India (Kolkata). We will also explore how Tamil poetry is a source of inspiration for classical and contemporary music and dance performances we still see and/or consume today. Through this panel we are sure to understand how poetry is a comprehensive tool of artistic expression.

This is guaranteed to be a unique morning of sensory delight and deep cultural learning!

The event is organized by Akṣarā, an artistic program that brings to the forefront India's rich cultural heritage in unique and meaningful ways. Please visit to learn more about us and our upcoming events and educational programs.

Later Event: June 12
Natraj Sharma - Travel Log